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/ Fonts Icons & Screensavers / Fonts Icons & Screensavers - Bart Smit 1998.iso / BFNTICSS / FONTS / TTF_W / WILHELM1.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-08-14  |  188KB
Labels: bag | bulletin board | earth | fence | person | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: abcocfohfiklmnopacotuo.mxus 21210 012720.4315 0125456789 1@#%^ 0/"/? the gwich beown fax fiamps er e losy bog quick broun fox iumps the lasy dog. quick bron fox jumps over the la3y dog. The quick broivn fox jumps ouer the la3y Dog. The quick brown fox jumps ouer the lasy Dog. 60 The guick hrown fox iumps ouet the lngy Dog The quick hron fox iumps ouer the ln3y Dog. oxus cNCh brosn fumpg fumps oner last lazy brovn Ling